Set against the backdrop of the Indo-Siamese War of 1962, this fictional story explores the transformative power of an ordinary gramophone in the life of the Chen family. The narrative delves into how this everyday object becomes a heartfelt reflection of how the world perceives them in the wake of the conflict.
It was inspired by the lingering estrangement captured in Faiz Ahmed Faiz's poem- Dhaka Se Wapsi Par. The poem's refrain serves as a haunting reminder of the challenges of reconciliation and the long-lasting impact of conflict.
It was inspired by the lingering estrangement captured in Faiz Ahmed Faiz's poem- Dhaka Se Wapsi Par. The poem's refrain serves as a haunting reminder of the challenges of reconciliation and the long-lasting impact of conflict.
"We stand estranged after countless hospitalities,
how many meetings will it take for us to get acquainted again?
When will we behold the unblemished bloom of green fields?
How many rains will it take to wash away the bloodstains?"
how many meetings will it take for us to get acquainted again?
When will we behold the unblemished bloom of green fields?
How many rains will it take to wash away the bloodstains?"
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