Paati's Vada is a beloved children's story, cherished across various cultures and languages in South India. This tale follows a grandmother as she fries delicious vadas, their aroma filling the air. A cunning crow, drawn to the tempting smell, steals a vada, but a sly fox steals it bag from the crow. This timeless story is not only a delightful read but also a nostalgic reminder of childhood.
Final Spreads:
Process Documentation:
A digital exploration of the book made first.
A digital exploration of the book made first.
Paati's Character Design
Paati's Character Design
The final prototype, an accordion style book.
The final prototype, an accordion style book.
This book was made as a group effort by Jigyasa Gupta, Kavya Patel, Krrithya Rajaram, Rashi Shah and myself.

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